
Python Home Automation

Typical response to Google query: Build Your Smart Home TM Today !

Huge market and one that might be of potential of interest ...

Home Assistant

Haven't looked at it in depth but seems to have both a good concept and good 'bones' - relatively small package, fairly straight forward approach, decent documentation, decent coding conventions.

It single-handedly forced the creation of this category, more for multi-platform integration than smart devices per se, although that viewpoint seems to be 'evolving' ... see below and Notes/Devices

Home Assistant is an open-source home automation platform running on Python 3. Track and control all devices at home and automate control.

Home Assistant is a home automation platform running on Python 3. The goal of Home Assistant is to be able to track and control all devices at home and offer a platform for automating control.

I recently learned about the ESP8266, a $5 chip that includes WiFi and is Arduino compatible. This means that all your DIY projects can now be done for a fraction of the price.

For this tutorial, I’ll walk through how to get going with ESP8266, get the temperature and humidity and report it to MQTT where Home Assistant can pick it up ...


I’ve been using Adafruit for my shopping:

Adafruit HUZZAH ESP8266 Breakout (assembly instructions)

Adafruit HDC1008 Temperature & Humidity Sensor Breakout Board (assembly instructions)

MQTT server

... Home Assistant contains an embedded MQTT broker. If no broker configuration is given, the HBMQTT broker is started and Home Assistant connects to it.

... There are two free and open-source brokers to pick from: Mosquitto and Mosca.

For server platform, Notes/RaspberryPi.

More to come.


Here is a list of 9 open source home automation projects that consumers should evaluate more to see if it fits their needs.

Home automation and control (HA) Software (source code and links mostly) for the home automation devices Insteon PowerLinc V2, CM11A, CM17 (Firecracker), LynX10, WM918, HCS II and CPUXA.

Uh ... come again.

Circuit which I followed includes (Raspberry Pi 2)GPIO pin5 to > Base of Transistor(BC557) and Emitter of transistor is connected to GPIO ground pin6. Collector is connected to the positive end of diode(IN4007). Diodes negative end is connected to the input one of the relay board(Model: BTE 13-005).

Now In the relay boards Ground is connected to the negative of the 9V battery and VCC is connected to the positive of the 9V battery. In relay board There are three slots for giving output to 250v to circuit where Outer(not middle one) connection are used to use relay as a switch. I am absolutely new to IOT stuff. I can’t figure out where is the possible problem.

Ditto above.

Also See



Last modified 14 months ago Last modified on 10/27/2016 01:01:08 PM